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 Looking for Mainsheet Articles

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BCG-Woodbury Posted - 08/04/2018 : 16:53:57
Hello Forum folks -

We are always looking for articles for the Mainsheet. Destinations, Memorable Trips, Tech Articles. If you would like to try your hand at submitting one of your stories, we are always willing to help. The next deadline is the beginning of September. Let me know if you have something and I'll work with you to put it together.


Brian Gleissner
Mainsheet Editor
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dave Brown Posted - 08/11/2022 : 12:17:25
Thank you,
Just received in the mail a Mainsheet mag.
Now I know what I’ve been missing.
Dave Brown Posted - 05/17/2022 : 18:58:21
thanks for the response, I will have a look.
Commodore Posted - 05/07/2022 : 14:08:37
Originally posted by Dave Brown

Over the years, I have always wondered, what the “ Mainsheet “ looks like.
Never seen it. Never found one.
Now I’m not looking for a free hand out, don’t get me wrong.
I’m just asking a few Q.
How many pages .?
How many times a year do you publish.
Cost of a year ?
Is it for all Catalina’s, or do you target a certain size range.
Do you pay for articles.
I’m just trying to get a feel about what I we’ll get for my money.
Dave B

Hi Dave,
Thank you for your post.
The Mainsheet quarterly magazine is sponsored Catalina Yachts.
The magazine includes all Catalina models, so there are cruising articles and repair projects submitted by owners.
Each article has the author and boat size included, so you can determine what works for you.

The annual membership fee for this association is $22(USD)/$28(Canada).
The membership fee pays for this website and includes the quarterly magazine.
The Mainsheet articles and submitted by owners for free.
This is also an all-volunteer associations, so no one is paid.

Recently, the Mainsheet magazine started publishing PDF versions for download.
You can view an older issue using their website.

Dave Brown Posted - 05/03/2022 : 14:23:41
Over the years, I have always wondered, what the “ Mainsheet “ looks like.
Never seen it. Never found one.
Now I’m not looking for a free hand out, don’t get me wrong.
I’m just asking a few Q.
How many pages .?
How many times a year do you publish.
Cost of a year ?
Is it for all Catalina’s, or do you target a certain size range.
Do you pay for articles.
I’m just trying to get a feel about what I we’ll get for my money.
Dave B
BCG-Woodbury Posted - 11/11/2019 : 20:13:43
Still looking for articles. You don't have to be an excellent writer, I can help you at every step of the way. Up to 6 good quality photos and a write-up of your recent adventure or an old trip you would like to share with the readers.


Brian Gleissner
Mainsheet Editor
Commodore Posted - 08/06/2018 : 22:12:31

Yes, we are always interested in project articles.
You can break your projects into separate topics and submit several articles.
Something like, standing rigging, running rigging, cabin, or deck repair.
It's up to you how much you want to submit.
Please contact me and we can help you.

Thanks, Russ Johnson
FrankV Posted - 08/06/2018 : 09:07:09
I have rehabbed an abandoned Catalina 250. Would that be of interest?

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