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 Leaking Hatchboards

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redeye Posted - 03/31/2023 : 05:36:31
One of my companionway hatchboards has a horizontal seam in the middle between two of the boards that are made into one board. Water leaks in when it rains. I wonder, I won won won won wonder what I could could use to seal that seam?

right now I'm thinking clear shoe goo pressed in from the outside and sand it down.

Or maybe Pine Tar from the baseball sports store?

What Say ye experts of the Sea?


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigelowp Posted - 06/09/2023 : 18:14:25
Ray, Bruce, in 2019 I went to pick up my replacement windows (large cabin aluminum frame, $75 for all) and stayed for 5 hours going through the place. Sails, ports, wood of all types, masts, booms, etc., etc., and that was just the sail side of the site! I would ask the guy "do you have a xxx for a Catalina 25? and he would say something like "trailer 3, left side" It was a fun trip!!
redeye Posted - 06/08/2023 : 19:04:46
I made the mistake of posting this here... sorry if anyone knows how to move it, please.

redeye Posted - 06/08/2023 : 18:31:10
Peter .. you evil, evil person..... I bet I'll spend hours at this site dreaming of upgrades

Thank You So much!

SO I was able to buy one of the dewalt battery powered sanders and picked a day with high steady winds next to the lake and sanded all the boards.. Normally the teak wood makes a mess and clogs the sandpaper often and the wood debris is toxic with all the teak oil in it... so mask up and stay upwind. The high wind day was incredibly helpful. I pushed shoe goo into the cracks and sanded immediately and it worked.

no more leaky... at least not from the boards. But I still "need" another set of boards as mine are old getting thin and weak on the ends.

Also.. my impression of the shoe goo is that it set up hard so I don't think I'd use the method again... I think I would try the pine tar and sanding as I think it would set up flexible and sticky which would trap the sanded wood debris..

I think the next time I sand them I will use the pine tar on the seams from the inside .
Voyager Posted - 06/04/2023 : 06:52:08
Peter, an awesome tip no matter what you’re looking for.
bigelowp Posted - 06/03/2023 : 04:55:40
Or -- contact mass marine parts ( in Quincy MA who parts out boats. They have tons of Catalina parts (I have bought from them before) and will ship to you. I know they have hatch boards. My bet is for $50.00 you could get a complete set for a C-25. The guy who owns it is supper chill.
islander Posted - 03/31/2023 : 11:48:55
Maybe lay the board down flat then fill the seam with epoxy. You may have to tape the seam on the inside to keep the epoxy from running through until it sets up. Then sand it smooth. By the way Ray you have this posted in the swap meet forum.

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