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 C250 With Yanmar Diesel Sail-drive

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JB Posted - 09/22/2022 : 10:53:30
Anyone with a sail-drive, have you replaced the diaphragm? Did you do it yourself or pay to have it done? How much did you pay? Job seems doable with help but parts are expensive, labor even more so.
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Robb Posted - 11/27/2022 : 21:15:13
Not sure if its a full knot on not but anything that I gained from the folding prop is likely lost due to the bow thruster that was installed by the previous owner. When people see a 25' boat with a bow thruster its pretty much like a carnival side show. :)
JB Posted - 10/23/2022 : 05:42:54
Thanks again. It looks like a new prop would get me a little over a knot in cruising speed.

Originally posted by Robb

Yep, I replaced the stock 14 inch fixed blade prop with a Flex o fold 14x09 Left. so the pitch is 9.

Robb Posted - 10/21/2022 : 08:53:44
Yep, I replaced the stock 14 inch fixed blade prop with a Flex o fold 14x09 Left. so the pitch is 9.
JB Posted - 10/20/2022 : 06:47:16
Thanks for checking that out. It gives me some hope that my speed issue can be corrected. Either my transmission has a different ratio, which unlikely or I need a prop with a higher pitch.

By any chance would you know the pitch on your propeller?

Originally posted by Robb

Hi JB. I got out on my boat last Saturday. At full throttle (3350 RPM) the boat was going 5.9 knots with 4 adults on board in flat water. Pretty much maximum hull speed for this boat.

Robb Posted - 10/18/2022 : 21:39:57
Hi JB. I got out on my boat last Saturday. At full throttle (3350 RPM) the boat was going 5.9 knots with 4 adults on board in flat water. Pretty much maximum hull speed for this boat.
Robb Posted - 10/04/2022 : 06:16:40
JB, let me have a look at the saildrive top gasket as thats the only one I'll be able to see. I had the same prop and upgraded to a folding prop last year. There wasnt any noticeable difference in speed between the two under power. I'll double check when I'm on the boat again, but if I remember correctly, at 2500 rpm (which is where I usually run the motor) I'm going around 4.5 knots.
JB Posted - 09/27/2022 : 05:59:18
Another question how fast can you go? I have a fixed two blade propeller 14 diameter 7 pitch and at 3350 RPM on flat water 5.5 miles per hour at best. Into wind 5 mph or less.
JB Posted - 09/26/2022 : 07:10:00
Robb the kit includes the rubber piece that surrounds the drive and is glued to the hull and the two internal seals that keep the water out. The part of the kit I don't understand is how the steel bands work and if they need a special tool to apply them. Yanmar recommends inspection every two years and replacement at 5.
Robb Posted - 09/25/2022 : 21:26:18
Hi JB. I have a 2004 250 WK with the Yanmar diesel and saildrive. Not sure what you are referring to re: Diaphragm. Do you mean the rubber diaphragm that goes around the saildrive at the top or the rubber gasket that attaches to the hull and seals around the bottom of the saildrive leg? I replaced the bottom one last year but haven't replaced the upper one as mine is still in good condition. The bottom one was shredded and was quite easy to install but....there are two different ones that look almost identical and depending on your serial # it could be one or the other. I was able to modify the incorrect one to fit but it took some shaving and cutting of the rubber, then installed with Sikaflex 290.
JB Posted - 09/25/2022 : 06:16:19
I know there are a few owners of them on this site. I may have to be patient.

The unit is between the rudder and the keel in a housing that forms part of the steps into the cabin.
Voyager Posted - 09/24/2022 : 18:38:37
Hmmmm, not too many respondents on this thread. I reckon that most C250 folks must have an outboard.
How does your engine work, is it mounted inside a compartment underneath the cockpit sole, or does it encroach into the rear of the cabin?
Underneath the boat, is there a skeg that the sail drive is mounted into, that’s ahead of the rudder and behind the keel? Or is it somehow part of the keel?
Very curious about this.

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