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 Deer ticks at the boat yard

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Voyager Posted - 03/31/2024 : 06:46:30
Now that spring is officially here up north, it’s time to go wash the boat, clean out the dust, and get the boat refreshed.
The other morning I headed over to the boat yard, which has a mix of sandy soil and packed aggregate gravel, and found three or four deer ticks on my boarding ladder, and plenty more in the brush around the perimeters of the yard.
I was wearing light colored clothes and tucked my pants cuffs into my socks, so I noticed a few climbing up my trousers. I’ve encountered them here in prior years, so I was prepared, but this was bad. It’s getting to be a nuisance at this yard.
I’ve gotten Lyme once before, and my doctor prescribed a round of antibiotics to knock it out. But it’s something to be aware of in the boat yard, especially if it’s sandy soil or brushy, in the backyard, and even going out to the mailbox.
Stay safe out there!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 03/31/2024 : 20:26:30
You know Scott, they actually raised the rates here by a couple of hundred dollars this year, so I don’t mind demanding a little customer service!
islander Posted - 03/31/2024 : 12:07:29
I would inform the boatyard management. I know I pay stupid money to grace their premises so maybe a little pest control wouldn't be out of the question. Can't hurt to try.

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