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Nth Degree - Lazy Jacks

Lazy Jacks work great, helpful when singlehanding and when in a good chop.

Mounting Instructions:

Mount 2 eyestraps a short distance below spreaders, on mast. (A)

Mount 2 eyestraps on after portion of boom. (B)

Mount 2 small horncleats on forward portion of boom. (C)

Note-horncleats and eyestraps must be offline of rigging lines.

Run 2 long lenghts of line from (A) to (D)-5mm line.

Fasten bullet blocks to line endings at (D)

Secure 2 long lengths of line at (B), pass through blocks at (D), tie off at (C), and send extra line to cleat at mast (E) (Halyard cleat)

Tension of lazy-jacks is adjusted at (C)

To douse lazy-jacks, remove lines at (C), pull bullet blocks forward to mast, pass lines under halyard cleat (E) and (C). Tie off at (E)

Precise locations of hardware varies, depending on mast configuration and type of mainsail. Remember, most of sail falls on forward portion of boom.

This tip submitted by Barry Bodo, send comments or questions to: af358@freenet.hamilton.on.ca