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Installing a Split Backstay Tang

Submitted by Gary Norgan


I decided I wanted a split backstay instead of the single backstay that came with our 1989 C25. Unfortunately I needed a small gremlin to crawl behind the port gas locker because there was no way I would be able to get there myself. There just wasn't any space to enable me to reach behind to get the tang bolted through the stern wall. So I bought a 4 inch screw in port, borrowed a friend's 4 inch hole saw, and bravely cut a BIG hole through the wall of the gas locker. I drank a beer to calm my nerves afterward. I then glued the port frame into the hole after doing some minor Dremel work to make it fit perfectly. I was going to get some screws to finish attaching the frame but waited on that. The Marine Goop I used seems to hold it in place just fine so I doubt I need to use the screws. The tang I bought directly from Catalina Parts because I could not locate a thick enough tang at any of the local marine supply places. Besides, the tang from Catalina is meant for this purpose and is a match for the one on the other side. I used a drill bit to start the hole for the tang, gradually hollowing out the rectangular area needed. You have to eye the precise location so the tang fits behind the aluminum rub rail base. I actually missed and cut into the aluminum but it turned out just fine because the tang needed a little extra space to fit just right. I used my Dremel to fine tune the shape of the hole so that the tang fits in the hole and flat against the transom. After cutting the tang hole I then set it in place, marked the locations of the holes and drilled them. Catalina sent me bolts that were too short to extend through the transom and the hull liner so I had to go and buy longer ones. I also used large backing washers/plates and bolted the tang in place. I applied a liberal amount of Marine Goop/Silicon in the rectangular hole and around the outside and inside of the bolt holes and tightened it all down. I ordered the new rigging from Catalina, made my own backstay bridle and I'm now in business with a really neat split backstay. You can check out the pictures attached to see how it all came out.


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Gary Norgan
1989 C25 #5944
Classical Cat